Friday, March 29, 2013

Naruto 037-045 (Vol 05)

Posted by Unknown On 7:12 PM

Naruto 028 - 036 (Vol 4)

Posted by Unknown On 7:10 PM

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tungku Tabu

Posted by Unknown On 8:31 PM

Tungku Tabu

Aku terkapar dalam tungku tabu
                               tungku itu berisi minyak
dan mendidih oleh api dari moksa di sisi gelap

Ketika api dinyalakan untuk pertama kali
aku nyaman
aku riang
Betapa tidak?
Ini tak lebih dari seorang bayi tak benoda,
mandi di air hangat
aku tentram
aku gembira
Sesekali kedua telapak tanganku sedikit kuhantamkan ke permukaan air
riak airnya saling bertautan, seakan riak air ria jua

aduh, mataku terciprat air
arrgghh, aku juga menelannya
Kenapa mataku perih?
Kenapa lambungku mual?

ah, aku lupa!
Ini bukan air
Ini minyak

Mataku tak mampu melihat apapun selain gelap
Lambungku tak mampu mencerna apapun selain tuba
Kulitku merasakan minyak ini sudah tidak hangat lagi
agak  sedikit memanas
         sedikit panas
                    memanas lagi
                    panas lagi
                    dan mendidih

aku tersiksa
tak ada yang bisa ku lakukan
selain meronta
                                                    dan                                                                                          mati.

Senin, 6 Februari 2012

Tak Sejalan dengan Logika

Posted by Unknown On 8:29 PM

Tak Sejalan dengan Logika

Tak pernah aku bermaksud menjalani hidup seperti ini
Aku punya akal
Aku punya naluri
Meski akalku mengenal hitam dan putih
Namun naluriku selalu mengaburkannya
Dan entah mengapa mereka menyalahkan hasratku yang tak sejalan dengan logika

Aku menangis
Imanku tak bisa menahan jiwaku yang selalu mengajak ragaku menuju ttik di mana nilai, norma, agama, dogma yang mengatur umat manusia dihapuskan
Aku merintih
Ragaku tak kuat menahan betapa sakitnya peluru-peluru caci yang mereka tembakkan, anak panah-anak panah maki yang mereka lepaskan,  pisau-pisau cerca yang mereka hunuskan tepat menghantam ulu hatiku

Aku ingin terlahir   kembali
                    suci   kembali
Dan menjadi seseorang yang aku inginkan
Tapi itu semua bagai mengharap bidadari turun dari moksa

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Easily Share Files With Google Docs

Posted by Unknown On 11:34 PM

Google Docs is a free online program that allows users to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations online. Documents created can be shared with other users to collaborate. This allows users to work together with other users, collaborate in working on documents, and save documents online for access anywhere and anytime. By using Google Docs, it quickly get responses from several people simultaneously and synchronously. The process of writing clearly seen, the changes made can be seen. In addition, Google Docs makes sharing of data, publication of documents to invite other users to view and edit or publish the document to be viewed publicly. Documents on Google Docs can be uploaded and downloaded to various file formats.

In Google Docs users can create various types of files, such as documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and images. The following will explain the steps on how the user can create new documents, save, rename documents and upload documents using Google Docs.

The first time you open Google Docs page, a page like the picture shown above. On the left side of the page there is a button CREATE (Buat : Bahasa Indonesia). To create a new file, the user can press the button. When the button is pressed, it will pop up a menu that is used to determine what will be made by the user. There are several options, such as documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, drawing, and others. If the user wants to create files such as word documents, then the user can select the document. If users want to create a file for presentation, then the user can select the presentation. If users want to create a file such as excel spreadsheet, the user can select the spreadsheet. If the user selects Document, it will open a new page to create a document. Users can write what you want on the page. On this page, users can set the paper type, paper size, text color, and others. Users can make writing bold, italic, and underlined. Alignment writing can also be arranged.

Users can set the format of writing as can be done in Microsoft Office applications Word. The name of the document can be filled in accordance with the wishes. If you want to change the name of the document, click on the upper left, a window will appear to enter the file name.

If the name has been changed, the name of the document in the upper left it will automatically change. Any changes made by the user of the content of the document, it will automatically be saved. To further ensure, users can click the link labeled pulled "All changes saved in Drive" located on the top of the page. It is used to save the file.

For each type of file you want to create, the user aka taken to the desired page. In addition to documents, there is a spreadsheet, presentation, form, drawing, and others. Page page will be shown as the picture below.
In Google Docs, the files that have been created will appear on the home page Google Docs. On that page will display a list of files by name, file owner, and time the file was last modified. These files can be reopened and modified in accordance with the wishes. To open the desired file, click on the name of an existing file.

After the election, a new page will appear according to the selected file type. If the file type document, the current page is the page for editing the document. The contents of the document will be in accordance with the conditions of the last document storage.

One of the features that Google Docs is the ability of users to share their work with others. There are many options to do this. Users can access to the document, but other users can only read the document and make changes. Users can also provide access to other documents where users can work with the user to make changes. Users can see changes made by other users of the user's documents. For
collaborate on a document, other users who share documents with users must have a Google account. If not, other users can only view the
documents, can not make changes.

To share a document, the user can select the files to be shared. In the Google Docs home page, there is a list of files owned. Choose the files to be shared by checking the box on the selected files, as shown below. At the top, select More.

More are on the menu there are a lot of choices. Select the Share, then select Share. After that will pop up a window to enter another user who will receive this document. Users can control who can access the document. In the window there is a list of other users who can access the document. There are 3 types of access, the public on the web, anyone with the link, and private.

Each access type has its own properties, depending on the user needs the permissions of a document can be changed. For example, if a document is not intended for the public and
any confidential information it has access to the type of the document can be changed to "Public on the web". Here is an explanation for each type of access provided by Google Docs:

  • Public on the web

This type of access allows all internet users to find and access without the need to register with google and logging on to Google Docs. Should this type of access is used for documents that are public / general and not intended for any particular party.

1. Anyone with the link
This type of access is limiting only Internet users who have the link to the document can access the document. If the user has a link so the user does not need to log in to Google Docs to view or make changes to the document.

2. Private
This type of access is a kind of access to confidential, Google Docs where only certain users can have access to the document. The owner is the user that access Google Docs that have been given permission by the owner of the document to view or make changes to the document.

If the recipient's name is selected, the user can press the Share button to share access and save documents to the parties desired. If the user wants to cancel the access to the user can press the Cancel button. If the access settings are done, click the Done button, the user will return to the home page of Google Docs. To indicate if a document has access rights are owned by a user other than the owner of Google Docs dokimen hence the name of the document there will be a shared information, which indicates that the owner of the right of access to such documents is no longer just held by the owner of the document.

DropBox Application Secure Online Data Storage

Posted by Unknown On 10:56 PM

DropBox is a cloud computing application that provides a free online file storage services and are accessible through a variety of media, such as computers, laptops and smart phones. Files are uploaded to DropBox via one media will be accessible through any other media without any limitation and if necessary DropBox also provides the facility to share files desirable to others.

By leveraging the application DropBox file sharing no longer have to use a flash disk or via e-mail that can only be done if the file size under 5MB. Through DropBox, the desired file will be uploaded with no size restrictions, and if necessary, then the file can be distributed to the proper parties.

To be able to utilize all facilities owned by DropBox then the user must create an account first. At the time the application starts automatically DropBox user will be prompted to enter the data itself to create an account.

Users who have registered themselves will get the facility to save the file with a total size of 2GB. If the user wants more than 2GB then the user must pay a fee according to the size desired. Payments can be made using credit cards.

Data storage on DropBox can be done by uploading via the website belongs DropBox or by synchronizing the folder called 'DropBox' link located on the user's computer with our DropBox account.

While DropBox is already installed on the user's desktop DropBox will automatically set up a folder to be synchronized periodically. These folders are by default named 'Dropbox' accompanied by a pictorial icon on the bottom right of the checkbox.

Icon will change according to the conditions of synchronization, where the unfinished folder sync the icon will turn blue with two arrows in it. Once completed then the icon will change to green with a checkmark (thick) in dalamya.

Another way to store files on DropBox is to upload files via, to be able to upload the user must first login. If the login was successful then the user will be taken to the main menu from DropBox.

In the main view of dopbox will display a list of files that we have uploaded, the file also includes files that we upload to the way sinkrosisasi folder on your PC. If the user wants to upload a file then at the top right there will be an icon pictorial paper is accompanied by blue arrows.
Icon is useful to take the user to a web page that serves to upload files. In addition there is also a icon upload another icon (mentioned in the order from left to right) are:

1. New Folder
New Folder will serve to create a new folder that can be used to
classify files owned by the user.

2. Share Folder
Share Folder is useful to share the folder selected by the user to the public. Share This Folder will be discussed further in the next section.

3. Show Deleted Items
Show Deleted Items will list all files ever deleted by the user, this is to prevent the elimination of errors by users. Files that have been deleted can be restored to the original folder.

When the upload button is selected the DropBox will prompt the user to choose which files you want to upload. If users want to upload more than one file so the files can be uploaded at the same time.

During the upload process, DropBox will show upload progress that has been executed. Estimated time required will also be shown at the bottom, when users feel annoyed then there is also the 'hide' to hide status. All newly uploaded files will be indicated with a blue background on the item.

Sharing Files on DropBox can be done in two ways, the first way is through the desktop by choosing the option 'Share Folder'. While the second way is to create a shared DropBox folder via the web site. Both methods require email verification to ensure that the file is to share the account owner. Here is an explanation of each way.

DropBox folder located on the desktop has several options that enable users to share the files. The first way is to select the option 'Share This Folder "that will appear when a DropBox folder on right click.

If the option 'Share This Folder "is selected then the user will be taken to a web page from DropBox and asked to enter the e-mail users who are allowed to have access to the folder. If the other user does not yet have an account DropBox then the user will receive an invitation to use DropBox.

In addition the user can choose who has access, DropBox also provides message at the time of sharing folders, so that the receiver can determine the purpose of file sharing. This feature is optional so that if the user does not need to feel the message does not need to be filled.

The second way is to select the option 'Share Link' option can also be used if the user just wanted to make sharing on a file only. When the option is selected then the user will be taken to a web page from DropBox and asked to enter a user's email is allowed to have access to the same folder as the "Share This Folder"

The difference between the "Share This Link" with the option "Share This Folder" is on file with the option. A folder will be able to share both ways but can only do a file-sharing with the "Share This Link". Besides the "Share This Link" will also automatically display the shared files, not shaped folder. Another difference is that the links are found on the "Share This Link" can be sent also to nonpengguna DropBox.

The user has the features to make sharing files via the DropBox website, but to be able to use this feature the user is required to log in first. On the main menu, there is a list of activities that can be carried by the user which one of them is sharing.

After sharing menu is selected the user will be given the option of whether the user wants to create a new folder to be shared or the user wants to select one of the existing folders to be shared.

If the user chooses to create a new folder, the folder is exactly what will be shared and the user must enter the files you want into the shared folder. But if the user selects one of the folders that the user will be asked to choose one of the existing folders.

Once the desired folder is selected the user will be prompted for the name is accompanied by the message recipient's email (optional). At this stage of the process will run together by sharing files on the desktop.

Another way is to establish a link to a file / folder you want to select. The establishment of this can be done simply by selecting icons link located on the right files / folders on DropBox.

All Links are ever created by users will be accommodated menu "Link". All these links can be assigned to users and non-users DropBox.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

“Rekor Brutal” Messi

Posted by Unknown On 10:26 AM

Dunia menjadi milik Lionel Andres Messi, tetapi ia memberi pelajaran yang tak setiap bintang bisa melakoninya: tetap santun menjejak bumi.

Karakternya yang seperti terjaga dari segala jenis bla-bla-bla, kehidupan pribadinya yang normal, kerendahhatiannya di tengah langit prestasi dan rekor demi rekor, membuat ia mengetengahkan ”perbedaan” dibandingkan dengan banyak bintang sebelumnya,
juga yang seangkatan dan menjadi pesaingnya.

Tentu sah-sah saja megabintang seperti Cristiano Ronaldo menikmati kemasyhuran dengan gaya hidup eksklusif dan sikap sebagai primadona. Sah-sah pula pendekatan tentang karier, hidup, dan kehidupan yang melekat sebagai kepribadian Messi. Perkara ada yang suka atau tidak suka, bukankah itu bagian alamiah dari keterbelahan penyikapan?

Ya, memang akan selalu ada yang mempertimbangkan idolatrika dari sisi bagaimana kualitas sikap hidup seorang bintang. Namun tidak sedikit pula yang tak peduli: yang terpenting bagaimana kontribusi dan pembuktian sang bintang dalam dunianya. Menurut penganut pandangan ini, kehidupan nyata dan kehidupan sepak bola adalah satu dan lain hal.

Arogansi terkadang melekat sebagai bagian dari klaim keberbedaan dari yang lain. Semua mengalir membentuk karakter, jati diri; tetapi dari sisi semacam itu pulalah yang lalu muncul pembeda: ooo, ada bintang yang rendah hati, tetap membumi, jadi role model anak-anak remaja, dan itu sering diidentikkan pada Messi, atau juga pada masanya −Roberto Baggio, Kaka, dan Zinedine Zidane.

Simaklah kekaguman pelatih Barcelona, Tito Villanova, setelah Messi memecahkan rekor 85 gol Gerd Mueller dalam satu tahun di semua ajang. ”Kami berharap dia masih punya banyak lagi yang akan diberikan karena dia masih sangat muda. Saya pikir kita tidak akan melihat pemain lain yang seperti dia,” katanya.

Rekor milik legenda Jerman itu sudah 40 tahun bertahan. Dalam prediksi Villanova, untuk menyamai atau bahkan memecahkan rekor yang disebutnya ”brutal” itu, hampir mustahil ada pemain yang mampu.

Ronaldinho, mantan senior Messi di El Barca, juga angkat bicara, ”Dia yang terbaik di dunia. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dia sudah memainkan sepak bola di level yang tak pernah kita lihat sebelumnya...”

Dan, Messi terus berjalan dengan skill seakan-akan dari ”planet yang berbeda”, sekaligus membukukan rekor demi rekor. Dari pencapaian terbaru itu, rasanya kita tidak perlu lagi disibukkan mencari jawab pembandingan siapa yang terbesar: Pele, Maradona atau Messi? Semua punya konteks zaman, kondisi, dan tantangan masing-masing. Dan, sekarang adalah era Messi.

Capaian-capaian Messi itu pula yang rasanya menyulitkan para kandidat peraih penghargaan pesepak bola terbaik. FIFA Ballon d’Or memang belum diserahkan, lalu di mana seharusnya posisi Ronaldo, Andres Iniesta, atau siapa pun nomine yang layak disandingkan dengan sang jawara?

Karena itu, walaupun rekor tersebut ”dipertanyakan” oleh kalangan sepak bola Brasil dan Zambia, pengakuan eksepsionalitas pemain yang sering disebut sebagai extraterrestrial itu tetap tak terbantahkan. Zico, bintang Brasil era 1980-an, dilaporkan membendaharakan gol lebih banyak pada 1979, sedangkan pemain Zambia Godfrey Chitalu mencetak 107 gol pada 1972. Tetapi biarlah itu menjadi urusan legalitas FIFA.

* * *

”KENAKALAN” atau kenyentrikan, pada satu segi biasanya mewujud sebagai representasi identitas atau gawan bayi” seorang jenius. Catatlah personalitas Diego Maradona yang meletup-letup, temperamen arogan Johan Cruyff, keflamboyanan Franz Beckenbauer, kebengalan sekaligus kemisteriusan Eric Cantona, ”kenakalan” Ronaldo Luiz Nazario, atau di masa lalu George Best mendapat julukan ”playboy lapangan hijau”, dan Pele yang sesuka hati menilai orang lain.

Di tengah kecenderungan identifikasi bintang yang semacam itu, Messi membuktikan ”seorang bintang pun bisa menjadi manusia normal”. Ia hidup ”biasa”, segi-segi privat di luar kehebatan sepak bolanya nyaris tak tersentuh oleh ingar-bingar publisitas media.

Bukankah misalnya, media tak terlalu memerhatikan potongan rambutnya, seperti sensasi yang selalu muncul dari tampilan metroseksual Cristiano Ronaldo.

Sedikit mengubah gaya rambut pun menjadi bahan kicauan. Gestur Messi juga nyaris ”sama” dari satu kegembiraan ke kegembiraan lain dalam selebrasi gol, dari ekspresi kekecewaan ke
kekecewaan ketika timnya menerima kekalahan.

Hebatnya, dengan ketinggian skill dan peluang untuk membukukan rekor demi rekor, Messi bukan pemain yang egois. Ia tetap pemberi assist yang membuat nyaman rekan-rekan setimnya. Ia bekerja sama sebagai unit kental dengan Cesc Fabregas, Pedro Rodriguez, David Villa, Xavi Hernandez, dan Iniesta. Lalu sebagai kapten tim nasional Argentina, ia dihormati karena menjadi ”bintang yang melayani”, pergerakan dan umpan-umpan matangnya membuka peluang gol untuk Gonzalo Higuain, Angel Di Maria, Ezequiel Lavezzi, dan Sergio Aguero.

Seluruh teknik bola, gaya, dan kualitas gol Maradona sudah disamai. Rekor- rekor besar mencatatkan namanya lebih sensasional dari mahabintang mana pun.

Jumlah pengakuan formal pemain terbaik dunia telah dikantungi tanpa tertandingi oleh para pendahulunya. Predikat The Next Maradona perlahan-lahan terkikis karena ia adalah Messi, Lionel Messi dengan segala keunggulannya.

Ia hanya belum meraih kebesaran yang melambungkan Pele dan Maradona: Piala Dunia! Namun pemain manakah —termasuk Pele dan Maradona— yang sanggup membukukan 86 gol dalam setahun untuk menjadi rekor yang oleh Tito Villanova diprediksi bakal abadi?

Seorang Zlatan Ibrahimovic boleh saja merendahkan capaian Messi, namun masyarakat dunia tak mungkin ingkar: masih banyak yang bisa ditorehkan oleh si hebat berpredikat ”kutu” itu.


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