Thursday, January 31, 2013

DropBox Application Secure Online Data Storage

Posted by Unknown On 10:56 PM

DropBox is a cloud computing application that provides a free online file storage services and are accessible through a variety of media, such as computers, laptops and smart phones. Files are uploaded to DropBox via one media will be accessible through any other media without any limitation and if necessary DropBox also provides the facility to share files desirable to others.

By leveraging the application DropBox file sharing no longer have to use a flash disk or via e-mail that can only be done if the file size under 5MB. Through DropBox, the desired file will be uploaded with no size restrictions, and if necessary, then the file can be distributed to the proper parties.

To be able to utilize all facilities owned by DropBox then the user must create an account first. At the time the application starts automatically DropBox user will be prompted to enter the data itself to create an account.

Users who have registered themselves will get the facility to save the file with a total size of 2GB. If the user wants more than 2GB then the user must pay a fee according to the size desired. Payments can be made using credit cards.

Data storage on DropBox can be done by uploading via the website belongs DropBox or by synchronizing the folder called 'DropBox' link located on the user's computer with our DropBox account.

While DropBox is already installed on the user's desktop DropBox will automatically set up a folder to be synchronized periodically. These folders are by default named 'Dropbox' accompanied by a pictorial icon on the bottom right of the checkbox.

Icon will change according to the conditions of synchronization, where the unfinished folder sync the icon will turn blue with two arrows in it. Once completed then the icon will change to green with a checkmark (thick) in dalamya.

Another way to store files on DropBox is to upload files via, to be able to upload the user must first login. If the login was successful then the user will be taken to the main menu from DropBox.

In the main view of dopbox will display a list of files that we have uploaded, the file also includes files that we upload to the way sinkrosisasi folder on your PC. If the user wants to upload a file then at the top right there will be an icon pictorial paper is accompanied by blue arrows.
Icon is useful to take the user to a web page that serves to upload files. In addition there is also a icon upload another icon (mentioned in the order from left to right) are:

1. New Folder
New Folder will serve to create a new folder that can be used to
classify files owned by the user.

2. Share Folder
Share Folder is useful to share the folder selected by the user to the public. Share This Folder will be discussed further in the next section.

3. Show Deleted Items
Show Deleted Items will list all files ever deleted by the user, this is to prevent the elimination of errors by users. Files that have been deleted can be restored to the original folder.

When the upload button is selected the DropBox will prompt the user to choose which files you want to upload. If users want to upload more than one file so the files can be uploaded at the same time.

During the upload process, DropBox will show upload progress that has been executed. Estimated time required will also be shown at the bottom, when users feel annoyed then there is also the 'hide' to hide status. All newly uploaded files will be indicated with a blue background on the item.

Sharing Files on DropBox can be done in two ways, the first way is through the desktop by choosing the option 'Share Folder'. While the second way is to create a shared DropBox folder via the web site. Both methods require email verification to ensure that the file is to share the account owner. Here is an explanation of each way.

DropBox folder located on the desktop has several options that enable users to share the files. The first way is to select the option 'Share This Folder "that will appear when a DropBox folder on right click.

If the option 'Share This Folder "is selected then the user will be taken to a web page from DropBox and asked to enter the e-mail users who are allowed to have access to the folder. If the other user does not yet have an account DropBox then the user will receive an invitation to use DropBox.

In addition the user can choose who has access, DropBox also provides message at the time of sharing folders, so that the receiver can determine the purpose of file sharing. This feature is optional so that if the user does not need to feel the message does not need to be filled.

The second way is to select the option 'Share Link' option can also be used if the user just wanted to make sharing on a file only. When the option is selected then the user will be taken to a web page from DropBox and asked to enter a user's email is allowed to have access to the same folder as the "Share This Folder"

The difference between the "Share This Link" with the option "Share This Folder" is on file with the option. A folder will be able to share both ways but can only do a file-sharing with the "Share This Link". Besides the "Share This Link" will also automatically display the shared files, not shaped folder. Another difference is that the links are found on the "Share This Link" can be sent also to nonpengguna DropBox.

The user has the features to make sharing files via the DropBox website, but to be able to use this feature the user is required to log in first. On the main menu, there is a list of activities that can be carried by the user which one of them is sharing.

After sharing menu is selected the user will be given the option of whether the user wants to create a new folder to be shared or the user wants to select one of the existing folders to be shared.

If the user chooses to create a new folder, the folder is exactly what will be shared and the user must enter the files you want into the shared folder. But if the user selects one of the folders that the user will be asked to choose one of the existing folders.

Once the desired folder is selected the user will be prompted for the name is accompanied by the message recipient's email (optional). At this stage of the process will run together by sharing files on the desktop.

Another way is to establish a link to a file / folder you want to select. The establishment of this can be done simply by selecting icons link located on the right files / folders on DropBox.

All Links are ever created by users will be accommodated menu "Link". All these links can be assigned to users and non-users DropBox.


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