Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Easily Share Files With Google Docs

Posted by Unknown On 11:34 PM

Google Docs is a free online program that allows users to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations online. Documents created can be shared with other users to collaborate. This allows users to work together with other users, collaborate in working on documents, and save documents online for access anywhere and anytime. By using Google Docs, it quickly get responses from several people simultaneously and synchronously. The process of writing clearly seen, the changes made can be seen. In addition, Google Docs makes sharing of data, publication of documents to invite other users to view and edit or publish the document to be viewed publicly. Documents on Google Docs can be uploaded and downloaded to various file formats.

In Google Docs users can create various types of files, such as documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and images. The following will explain the steps on how the user can create new documents, save, rename documents and upload documents using Google Docs.

The first time you open Google Docs page, a page like the picture shown above. On the left side of the page there is a button CREATE (Buat : Bahasa Indonesia). To create a new file, the user can press the button. When the button is pressed, it will pop up a menu that is used to determine what will be made by the user. There are several options, such as documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, drawing, and others. If the user wants to create files such as word documents, then the user can select the document. If users want to create a file for presentation, then the user can select the presentation. If users want to create a file such as excel spreadsheet, the user can select the spreadsheet. If the user selects Document, it will open a new page to create a document. Users can write what you want on the page. On this page, users can set the paper type, paper size, text color, and others. Users can make writing bold, italic, and underlined. Alignment writing can also be arranged.

Users can set the format of writing as can be done in Microsoft Office applications Word. The name of the document can be filled in accordance with the wishes. If you want to change the name of the document, click on the upper left, a window will appear to enter the file name.

If the name has been changed, the name of the document in the upper left it will automatically change. Any changes made by the user of the content of the document, it will automatically be saved. To further ensure, users can click the link labeled pulled "All changes saved in Drive" located on the top of the page. It is used to save the file.

For each type of file you want to create, the user aka taken to the desired page. In addition to documents, there is a spreadsheet, presentation, form, drawing, and others. Page page will be shown as the picture below.
In Google Docs, the files that have been created will appear on the home page Google Docs. On that page will display a list of files by name, file owner, and time the file was last modified. These files can be reopened and modified in accordance with the wishes. To open the desired file, click on the name of an existing file.

After the election, a new page will appear according to the selected file type. If the file type document, the current page is the page for editing the document. The contents of the document will be in accordance with the conditions of the last document storage.

One of the features that Google Docs is the ability of users to share their work with others. There are many options to do this. Users can access to the document, but other users can only read the document and make changes. Users can also provide access to other documents where users can work with the user to make changes. Users can see changes made by other users of the user's documents. For
collaborate on a document, other users who share documents with users must have a Google account. If not, other users can only view the
documents, can not make changes.

To share a document, the user can select the files to be shared. In the Google Docs home page, there is a list of files owned. Choose the files to be shared by checking the box on the selected files, as shown below. At the top, select More.

More are on the menu there are a lot of choices. Select the Share, then select Share. After that will pop up a window to enter another user who will receive this document. Users can control who can access the document. In the window there is a list of other users who can access the document. There are 3 types of access, the public on the web, anyone with the link, and private.

Each access type has its own properties, depending on the user needs the permissions of a document can be changed. For example, if a document is not intended for the public and
any confidential information it has access to the type of the document can be changed to "Public on the web". Here is an explanation for each type of access provided by Google Docs:

  • Public on the web

This type of access allows all internet users to find and access without the need to register with google and logging on to Google Docs. Should this type of access is used for documents that are public / general and not intended for any particular party.

1. Anyone with the link
This type of access is limiting only Internet users who have the link to the document can access the document. If the user has a link so the user does not need to log in to Google Docs to view or make changes to the document.

2. Private
This type of access is a kind of access to confidential, Google Docs where only certain users can have access to the document. The owner is the user that access Google Docs that have been given permission by the owner of the document to view or make changes to the document.

If the recipient's name is selected, the user can press the Share button to share access and save documents to the parties desired. If the user wants to cancel the access to the user can press the Cancel button. If the access settings are done, click the Done button, the user will return to the home page of Google Docs. To indicate if a document has access rights are owned by a user other than the owner of Google Docs dokimen hence the name of the document there will be a shared information, which indicates that the owner of the right of access to such documents is no longer just held by the owner of the document.


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