Friday, November 23, 2012

Nvidia Answers Linux Founder's Middle Finger

Posted by Unknown On 3:25 PM
Jakarta - Linus Torvalds, the man behind the magnitude of the open source Linux operating system could excite a sense of annoyance against Nvidia with the middle finger. Now, turn the graphics card manufacturers are answering the action.

Some time ago Torvalds spoke at an open forum at Otaniemi, Finland. On the occasion, the 'father of Linux' had a chance to answer a question from a woman who claimed difficulty using Linux on his computer that uses Nvidia Optimus.

"Nvidia has been one of the worst problems we have with hardware manufacturers," said Torvalds. But shortly after saying that, the man who had just received the Nobel in the field of technology is raised middle finger to Nvidia.

Seeing harsh comments from the founder of Linux, Nvidia did not stay silent. Through its website, the largest manufacturer of graphics cards is answered diplomatically.

"We understand that some parties had requested detailed documentation on all of the information our GPU, or more actively in the discussion of the Linux kernel development community. But we have decided to support Linux in accordance with our structure, not the structure of Linux," Nvidia wrote, as quoted by detikINET on Friday (06/22/2012).

Yes, information leakage is the main reason for not releasing deriver Nvidia open source. Though this step is already done its main competitor AMD.

Furthermore, Nvidia Optimus explains that technology is only designed for Windows. Even so, they also said they would continue to support open source by actively participating in Open Source Project Bumblebee, a community developed Nvidia driver in Linux.

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