Wednesday, November 21, 2012

E-paper (Electronic Paper)

Posted by Unknown On 4:12 PM
More recently, manufacturers LG broke new ground with the launch of e-paper (electronic paper) that very flexible, which is claimed as the first plastic e-paper in the world. E-paper LG is also touted will take 'a major revolution in the e-book'. "With e-paper displays the first plastic world, LG once again proved its reputation of leadership and innovation, with products we believe will help popularize the e-book, "said the Duck Yeo, Chief Division Mobile Display Sony Ericsson in a press release, as quoted from the pages of Korean language,

In a press release, the LG said that electronic paper or e-paper flexible as plastic, measuring 6 inches, with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and can bend up to 40 degrees. That is, the e-paper is going to be bent-bend, but probably not until the folded time yah! In addition, advanced e-paper is also only has a thickness of 0.7 millimeters, which means thinner than the other e-paper made of glass. Its weight was only 14 grams, much lighter than the competitors. So, it looks like e-paper make fun going to carry everywhere.

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