Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Posted by Unknown On 10:02 PM
Since thousands of years ago, space has become a main attraction for people on earth. Triggered a major human curiosity about the sky, causing the knowledge of the space growing up can be applied practically. In fact, on a deeper level, it can predict the future of mankind.

At the present time, the vast sky is still the main attraction most people on earth. In Indonesia, it is seen by the people so enthusiastic to see the various celestial phenomena that occur. The closest is the lunar eclipse that occurred on June 16, 2011. Millions of people in Indonesia are willing to not sleep all night just to witness the phenomenon of obstruction in the shadow of the earth.

For those who like to observe celestial objects, it seems necessary to try planetarium software on this one. Stellarium name suggests, is a computer application that presents the movement of celestial bodies in the Earth observer.

Stellarium reason must be installed on the computer people who like to observe celestial bodies, because the application shows the real sky (sky realistic) in three dimensions in real time (real time).
Amazingly, this application can display the positions of celestial bodies can not be seen by the naked eye, binoculars, or a telescope.

How to use it was quite easy. Once installed onto a computer, users simply specify the city or live observation of the position of celestial bodies. And in an instant, he could see the celestial objects that exist in the region wants.

Stellarium itself was developed by a French programmer named Fabien Chereau. He launched this project in the summer of 2001. Stellarium is developed under the GNU General Public License. This makes the software has source code (source code) is open (open source) and free (free) used by anyone for any purpose. Not just for Linux users only, this software can also be run on Windows and Mac OS.

In May 2006, the project was declared a Project of The Month (Month Project) by SourceForge, a site developer software Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). In the same year, won the award for Stellarium Education category in a competition-free applications (free software) titled Les Trophées du Libre.

Features Stellarium
There are many diverse features that can be sampled in Stellarium. For the features of the sky, there are more than 600 thousand stars contained in the Hipparcos catalog and Tycho-2 catalog. Hipparcos itself stands for High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite (Satellite High Precision Pengkoleksi parallax), a project of the European Space Agency's (European Space Agency - ESA) for the measurement of parallax and proper motion stars. While the Tycho-2 is part of the Hipparcos satellite that collects star with a low level of precision.

Another additional feature sky catalog of 210 million stars. In addition, there are also asteroids and constellations of 10 illustrations of world culture, from Nebula Messier catalog, the Milky Way (Milky Way), fitted well with the atmosphere, sunrise and sunset are real, and the planets in the solar system along with their satellites .

In addition, there are also features such as visualization of the equator, longitude and latitude, flashing star, shooting star, eclipse simulation and landscape or terrain where the observer is located.

While manager Basic (Basic Control) has a function for magnification (zoom), looking around the 360-degree rotation, which could advance the timing, rewind, and speed up time, and store the location of observation.

Running Stellarium
To use Stellarium, first install the application to the user's computer. The trick, click Stellarium- file, follow the instructions provided on the screen, and the application is ready for use. Previously, this application can be downloaded (download) for free at the site As for the minimum computer specifications required, at least 256 MB of RAM. However, 1 GB of RAM is required if you want to display a larger star catalog.

Once installed, run Stellarium and wait until the main screen opens. In the bottom left, there is a description of the place of observation, observation position, date and time of observation, and the number of frames that are presented for one second (FPS - Frame Per Second). When the mouse (mouse) is directed at the bottom left corner of the screen, the menu will appear Stellarium.

Menus that appear horizontally, load line display option in the left, and the line speed at the right time. While the menu that appears vertically loading the application configuration, such as the observation location, date and time of observation, the number of celestial bodies are displayed, the search for celestial objects, basic settings, and assistance.

To start the observation of celestial bodies, can by using the four arrow keys available on the keyboard (the keyboard). As for the zoom in and object of observation, can use the Page Up and Page Down.

When using the mouse (the mouse), the observation of the sky can be a way to shift the mouse in the direction
desired. As for the zoom in and zoom out, use the scroll button in the middle and putarkanlah mouse forward or backward.

If you want to observe celestial objects that have a name, just find in the Search menu.
The search results will lead us to the question of celestial bodies. So that allows us to observe the movements and changes in the object.

In version 0.10.6 which is the latest release of Stellarium, Indonesian language is the language of face-to-face (interface) and language assistance. That allows users to operate in Indonesia. To view information and the use of a more detailed, can access guidance notes (guide) contained in the official website Stellarium. Congratulations peek space.

Installing Stellarium
If you are using Linux operating system, you can find the application on the Software Center, Packet Manager, or you can install it through the terminal by typing "sudo apt-get install Stellarium".

Click DOWNLOAD to read the article in Bahasa Indonesia.


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