Monday, November 26, 2012

Smart Bin, Trash Can with LCD Display

Posted by Unknown On 11:05 AM
Who says only owned LCD smartphone? Now the trash can have it. Yup, you can call him by the name of Smart Bin. This smart bins appeared in the city of London. So, why is called Smart Bin?

Typically, recycling bins are set to ask us to separate waste into different types, such as plastic, glass, paper and others. But Smart Bin appear different from the dual-screen LCD display. And the great, the trash is integrated with a variety of technologies.

Smart Bin with integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, so it is quite reasonable if the British government may have plans to actually turn it into a wireless hotspot to the public. This screen will display the news from economists and stock prices.

Currently there are only 25 units of Smart Bin placed throughout the city. However, the government plans to put 75 units of other smart bins, and are expected to be realized before 2012 London Olympics take place. In addition to London, the Smart Bin is also reportedly going to debut in other metropolitan cities, such as New York, Singapore and Tokyo.

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