Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Most Always-On IT Jobs

Posted by Unknown On 3:19 PM

Jakarta - Emerson Network Power released 'The Most Always-On IT Jobs', a reports on IT occupations most demanding.

This report is based on survey to about 800 IT professionals in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United States to find out how high they required to always be ready to work, always working with the best skills and always accurate.

In the world of high-speed and high connections like now, the technology, such as smartphones and website or the Internet, are expected to always be ready to work whenever needed.

But what about the people who support the passage of the technology? Are they also must always be ready to work (Always-On)?

Are some of them are required to always be ready than others? Pertanyaanpertanyaan Emerson Network Power's push to survey IT professionals around the world to get the answer.

Click DOWNLOAD to see the answer in PDF format.


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