Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Test Windows 8 on ARM Platform is Running Success

Posted by Unknown On 10:20 PM
Windows 8 was able to operate with a very impressive and stable when tested using chips from ARM, a source told CNET that it will get into the hands of developers in February months ago. "In October of last year, plans on Windows 8 on ARM platform was alarming to the industry because of the trial results showed that it is still unstable. But the results of a pilot now seems to have appeared stable results. We have not heard anything about this information from Microsoft, but its hardware partners who tell them information about the results of this trial. We have also been promised something in February, "said one of the sources told CNET.

Even more encouraging, if you could see one of the Windows 8 device that uses chips from Intel at CES 2012 a few weeks ago, the device will be much cheaper a few hundred U.S. dollars when using chips from ARM, despite using the same specification completeness . "With the ultrabook (which uses chips from Intel), then you will popularize the idea that you have a device with a design that is much lighter, burning much faster and last longer (saving energy). But you'll also find all of these advantages when using Windows 8 on ARM, plus the price will also be much cheaper. This obviously will increase the competition between ARM to Intel, "the source said.

The source also believes that the release of Windows 8 on ARM will not be much different with the release of Windows 8 device that uses the Intel platform. But it is personal opinion, not leaked from Microsoft. While the other sources believe that Windows 8 on ARM platform will present late when compared to Windows 8 release schedule from Intel.

Windows 8 is predicted to be the most important upgrade OS from Microsoft after Windows 3.0, and this is the first mainstream OS from Microsoft will be able to operate on chips from Intel / AMD and from ARM. Three major supplier ARM chip is Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, and Nvidia; another source said that Windows 8 is rumored to be capable of operating stably at least two ARM platform, whether the result of one another ARM platform.

For this moment, the benefits of Intel than there seems to be a factor ARM legacy application. CNET source said that he still did not know the plan will be a legacy application to a third party for Windows 8 on ARM platform. What is clear, some Metro apps that Microsoft demo will also be available on Windows 8 on ARM because most applications are based on HTML5, Microsoft itself certainly did not want to be embarrassed when the release ARM-based platform if only accompanied by a limited number of applications. As usual, Microsoft declined to comment on rumors of the development of Windows 8 on ARM's.

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