Saturday, November 24, 2012

RIM CEO Admits Apple and Google Won

Posted by Unknown On 7:49 AM
Investor complaints have been answered by the ouster of RIM's co-founders Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, and replace it with a CEO, Thorsten Heins, on 23 January. Besides RIM also announced the Barbara Stymiest as the Chairperson of the board.

After the announcement of the new CEO of RIM stock plummeted by 13% increasing. Thereafter the press Heins said that as the new CEO he will make changes at RIM's body. Because of the promise that RIM shares then gradually improved.

Through an interview with CNBC, Heins said that RIM is already far behind its competitors, especially in the American market. "Painful. It is painful for me to see RIM losing market share in the U.S., "Heins me. "There's a paradigm shift, and unfortunately we did not follow the change. I realized we had made a mistake but I'm sure I'm here to fight for RIM. "Mastery of Apple and Google when combined showed 75.6% in the U.S. smartphone market. That figure is shown in the three months to November 2011 while RIM's stock fell by 16.6% as reported by market research agency comScore.

The spirit to be able to continue to compete owned Heins that is what investors. At CNBC Heins said, "We want to stop these wounds."

In a different interview, Heins reveals the CrackBerry site that changes in body RIM is going on and that RIM is currently focusing on her own strength. "There are so many changes. Many changes in the corporate structure, changes in software, software platforms including QNX bring to our products. Nothing says "stay put" at RIM. What I want to explain to the market is that we believe in our strengths. We are BlackBerry, we are an integrated solution, hardware, software, and network services. "

Heins also assured that RIM knows its position in a highly competitive market. He explained that RIM had a team in charge of testing the products belonging to the competitors. He himself also tested Apple's iPhone, Android smartphones and other mobile phones. Lack RIM so far is on the features and elements to support the actual user experience is critical to the success of a platform.

With such confidence, Heins mampukan make the BlackBerry back ogled consumers, particularly in the USA? We look forward with.

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